Sunday, March 6, 2011


The most unbelievable thing happened this weekend! If you've been reading my last posts, they've been mostly about how I missed my boyfriend all the time and it had been A YEAR since I've last seen him... 

I spent my whole weekend with this handsome man!
Le boyfriend.
He flew into town on Friday (hence, the pterodactyls flying around in my tummy) and left early this morning. 

I'm going to post the pictures I took of/with him so it'll be like you guys were there. I didn't take a lot because I was too excited and caught up in the moment, but here ya go...

Dinner on the first night. 
I could wake up to this every morning. 
fixing his cute hair


I wish I could say that life is perfect in paradise, but this post is called bittersweet for a reason. Long distance is so hard and with that said, every time you're with that person, you want everything to be perfect. We let an argument get too far which resulted in us leaving each other on bad terms. I'm not too sure where we stand right now and it really hurts to know that we couldn't solve the problem but I believe that God has a plan and he will lead us both where we need to be. 

Until next time... have a great Sunday evening 


  1. wow how amazing! so happy for you get to together with your man! that must have been so much fun!!
    i found you via FTLOB

    Hugs & Loves, Ariel

  2. My husband and I did long distance for a bit. And I suppose we kind of do it now too, here and there. So glad you were able to spend some time together recently, I remember that giddy feeling! Stopping by from FTLOB!

  3. glad you got him for a lil bit! Always makes for a great weekend! He looks like a keepers!

  4. I'm following your blog now! The pictures are very cute and I love the background on your page. Also, we all have those little disputes its learning from it. If its a new fight, a new silly argument you'll get through it. It's those arguments that are the same over and over that cause you to really sit down and dissect the real problem. I wish you both goodluck and hope things get better! :)


  5. HI Elle, thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find yours! It must have been so nice to see him but I HATE unresolved conflict. I hope you are hanging in there and that it gets back to normal soon!


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