Thursday, March 24, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday!

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It's my first time participating in Awkward & Awesome Thursday! I'm so excited because I'm not only incredibly awkward, but I'd like to think that I'm super awesome too!


1. Almost crashing into some guy in the school parking lot because I forgot to check my rear view mirror.

2. Accidently tripping over a curb and trying to play it off like nothing happened.

3. My stomach growling in class when everyone is quiet because I forget to feed it sometimes (then trying to cough to disguise it). 

4. Having random cough attacks out of nowhere because I'm getting over my sickness -I hate that!

5. This picture: 


1. Ending the school and work week -Finally! Time to relax and enjoy some nights out : )

2. My new baby cousin, Kailah, being born : ) She's the most precious girl I've ever laid my eyes on!

3. My gas tank lasting me a whole week, YESSS! Spending $45 on a full tank is such a bummer.

4. Planning my trip back home to SD! Can't wait to be reunited with my friends and mommy! I've missed them so so much!

5. My birthday being less than a month away - April 8th to be exact! The big 23. I'm excited about it!

6. Discovering a new way to braid my hair when I'm feeling lazy. HUGE accomplishment for me.

7. This picture: 

1 comment:

  1. Great Awkward and Awesome's I like the one about tripping over the curb that kinda stuff happens to me all the time.


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