Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I'm going for it...
I am highly addicted to the Kardashians... not only because they're hilarious and so free, but they have the most GORGEOUS hair I've ever seen! Ever since their reality show, 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' hit airwaves in 2007, I've been a religious follower. I've attempted (over and over again) to pull off their middle-part waves but it's been so hard! I usually just sway all my hair to one side and call it a night. So tonight, I'm going to attempt this middle-part hair-do and hopefully I get a good result. Because I already mastered the wave effect, I can help you in that department. If you want to attempt this look too, feel free! I'll post the steps and pictures down below.
It's shower time. Nobody wants to go out with a stinky person. I give myself around 3 hours to get ready because I have A LOT of hair. It's really thick and usually takes a ridiculous amount of time to blow dry.
Make sure that when you blow dry you separate your hair into 4 parts. (Part your hair all the way down the middle then from ear to ear.) After... blow dry all of it.
When you're done blow drying, get some wine. After you've had a sip, or a couple -I'm not judging, make sure you comb out your hair. Part your hair all the way down the middle, pick the first side you want to work with and put the other side in a bun.
After you've done that, part the side your working with horizontally (maybe a half inch above your ear) and put the upper half in a bun. This will help you curl each piece perfectly.
I use a Chi hair straightener but I'm sure any SKINNY straightener would work.
For example,
Okay, pay close attention.
You want your curls to flow away from your head.
So for this reason, after your get your piece of hair in your hand make sure you know this...
If you started off with the left side, point the straightener AWAY from your face and turn it upwards.
If you started with the right side, point the straightener TOWARDS your face and turn it downwards.
Here's a short video that explains what I mean...
I don't start my curl at the root, I usually start it 1/3 down to avoid looking like Shirley Temple.
I started with my left side. Once you twirl your hair once, just simply pull it down every couple seconds until you reach the tips.
[REPEAT] this throughout your head.
- Practice makes perfect!
- Pick little sections to curl for the best results
- Allow yourself lots of time to get the hang of it, this takes me around an hour to curl all my hair.
- These curls stay in for days! (I'm not recommending that you don't shower, but enjoy the fact that tomorrow morning, your curls will still be in tact!)
rock it, ladies! x0
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hello, Sunday!
So this weekend has been a semi-eventful one for me. I went to get pampered at my nail salon, I got my eyebrows waxed and did some shopping. This weekend was supposed to be special for me because my boyfriend was telling me that he was going to drive to see me. He was working in Kansas this weekend and on his way home he was going to stop by New Mexico and stay for a couple days but that didn't end up happening because of his job. Needless to say, I was incredibly bummed but I understood what had happened.
My weekends usually begins on Thursday because that's my last day of class and work for the week. I decided to go shopping for a baby shower I was going to and picked out this outfit... I was really excited to buy it because for Bebe, a $37 romper is cheap. Plus, the floral print was so adorable.
On Friday I stayed in my PJs all day, drank wine, and watched chick flicks. It was so relaxing and the definition of my "lazy days". White Zin was my best friend that night because of the way I was feeling after the bf couldn't make it over. Not to mention the chick flick only kicked me while I was down. Man, I should probably come up with better things to do when I'm feeling gloomy now that I think about it...
Saturday was my cousins baby shower. Baby over-load caused baby fever for me. Every time I'm surrounded by baby-anything I want one so bad. My cousin got so many adorable baby girl gifts and we played some games. It was fun to hang out with the whole family. We're all so close and they're amazing to be around. I have a HUGE family and I love it.
Moving on... after the baby shower celebration, we all headed to my cousin and he fiancé's house and had our 'girl time'. The boys came over too but they stayed in the man cave and didn't bother us :) They're so young (around 20) and they already have this beautiful little house for their growing family. I was in awe at how they decorated it and I pretty much melted when I saw the baby room (greys and pink compliment each other so well!). They're so adorable and I can't wait for baby Kailah to come into this world! We're all dying to meet this little beauty!
Later that night my brother and I headed to the casino to gamble money we didn't have. I am a loyal contributor to the penny slots, that's where I feel at home on the days I feel like gambling. My brother lost his money almost instantly playing poker... me, on the other hand...
My weekends usually begins on Thursday because that's my last day of class and work for the week. I decided to go shopping for a baby shower I was going to and picked out this outfit... I was really excited to buy it because for Bebe, a $37 romper is cheap. Plus, the floral print was so adorable.
![]() |
Floral romper from Bebe $37 Brown leather boots from Dillards $50 Juicy Couture charm bracelet $35 |
Saturday was my cousins baby shower. Baby over-load caused baby fever for me. Every time I'm surrounded by baby-anything I want one so bad. My cousin got so many adorable baby girl gifts and we played some games. It was fun to hang out with the whole family. We're all so close and they're amazing to be around. I have a HUGE family and I love it.
Moving on... after the baby shower celebration, we all headed to my cousin and he fiancé's house and had our 'girl time'. The boys came over too but they stayed in the man cave and didn't bother us :) They're so young (around 20) and they already have this beautiful little house for their growing family. I was in awe at how they decorated it and I pretty much melted when I saw the baby room (greys and pink compliment each other so well!). They're so adorable and I can't wait for baby Kailah to come into this world! We're all dying to meet this little beauty!
Later that night my brother and I headed to the casino to gamble money we didn't have. I am a loyal contributor to the penny slots, that's where I feel at home on the days I feel like gambling. My brother lost his money almost instantly playing poker... me, on the other hand...
won and won and won. I started at $20 and left with $95. Successful night for me :) My brother and I celebrated with victory french fries and called it a night.
Today, I went to mass this morning and decided to be a home-body. I've been craving a beer really bad today so I'm going to meet up with my friends and head out to The Dirty Bourbon (a local cowboy bar) and have some drinks.
I hope all of your weekends were great!
chick flicks,
juicy couture,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
In his thoughts :)
I thought this was really adorable, I just had to share.
Justin text me and told me to listen to this song because it reminds him of our relationship...
So I was listening to it and it brought an instant smile to my face. Seriously, maybe 5 min later he calls me back and all I can hear when I answer is him singing this song to me at the top of his lungs (he sang it beautifully, by the way)!
This made my night, hands down.
Hope y'all have a great night and the sweetest dreams!
Goodnight :)
Justin text me and told me to listen to this song because it reminds him of our relationship...
Kevin Fowler- Hard Man to Love
So I was listening to it and it brought an instant smile to my face. Seriously, maybe 5 min later he calls me back and all I can hear when I answer is him singing this song to me at the top of his lungs (he sang it beautifully, by the way)!
This made my night, hands down.
Hope y'all have a great night and the sweetest dreams!
Goodnight :)
Sometimes, you just have to give thanks.
Good morning everyone!
I'm going to start giving thanks to some important figures in my life that have helped me get through my week. Feel free to do the same!
1. Mom
Even though I don't live with my mom anymore, she's been absolutely amazing with lending me helpful advice this week. She's always looking out for my best interest and tries to see the situations I'm in through my eyes. She's a wise woman when it comes to love and sacrifice and I'm so grateful to have her just a phone call away.
2. Justin
He really is my anchor. He's my best friend, my lover-head, my over-all happiness. We bring out the best in each other and I'm so thankful that he's treated me like an absolute princess. This week we've laughed till we couldn't anymore, sang along to country songs, we opened up to each other and let out all our feelings, we made promises to each other about our relationship, set some goals/made some plans for the near future and ultimately, we grew stronger together.
I confide in him with everything I have and I'm really thankful that he's a part of my life.
2. My Brother
I'm thankful for my brother because I've been feeling really sick for the past couple of days and he just brought me some chicken noodle soup :) He's the best brother in the world!
If you have someone that you're thankful for, let them know! It's never a bad thing when you express how much someone means to you.
Have a wonderful day, friends!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cleaning out the closet
Time to clean out my closet for the first time!
There's a lot of stuff in there but this is one of the major topics that has really been lingering around for a while...
Someone incredibly important in my life has a drug problem. I don't know how to help because I never know when they're doing it. I just wish they understood that they mean so much to me and it hurts me to see them this way.
Just last weekend we had a talk about this problem and all they could say is that they felt so ashamed. They wanted to stop and go on with their life. They went on to tell me that they were feeling depressed and I had no idea what to do or say. Of course I told them that I loved them, I wanted them to be happy because they deserved it and I wanted them to stop using but I feel like it just went in one ear and out the other.
It had been 3 days since I last spoke to them and the first thing they did was get into a defense mode because I had asked where they have been. The defense mode led to anger, which led to name calling, and ultimately led to them breaking down.
It's so hard for me because I see the good in them,
I see that they have such a bright future ahead of them
and they continue to use.
I just want some help to know what my part should be in their recovery.
Long Distance Lovin'

Man oh man, I have A LOT of respect for the couples in a long distance relationship.
The beau and I just had our first fight tonight. It was so hard because I couldn't see him, I couldn't see his facial expressions... all I had were the texts he sent me and his voice. We have been missing each other like crazy and it took a toll on us tonight. I think we're both just frustrated with the situation we're in. Anyways, after a couple hours we were able to resolve the argument and I'm beyond happy to report that things are back to normal.
So for this blog,
I looked up some inspirational quotes that helped me tonight and could help any of you, too!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
- Helen Keller
"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."
"Missing someone gets easier every day because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
"For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice"- John Burroughs
If you want to read more inspirational quotes, head on over to
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love is in the air...
Happy Valentines Day!!
Tiffany&co. heart shaped ring |
I hope all of you had a day full of love :)
Mine wasn't anything too special, I had classes all day and work all night... but I did wake up to some pretty sweet text messages from my loving friends and family!
Anyways, something really cool happened tonight.
Ever get those text messages from a number you don't have saved in your phone book? Well I got one today and I get excited to find out who the person is but it's so awkward having to ask...
"Hey, long time no talk! how are you?"
"Uhmm... I'm sorry, who is this?!"
Haha, that's usually how it goes. Anyways, this was such a pleasant surprise! It turned out to be my friend from back when I went to San Diego Mesa college. We got caught up for a while and he made me laugh so hard that my abs started to hurt.
It's times like these when I'm so thankful for the people who are in my life and have been in my life. So today I want to give thanks to the people who have stuck by my side. Without them, I would be a mess.
So here's a big THANK YOU to all of you!
and with that, I leave you with this...
au revoir!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines on steroids!
Love is in the air... and cash is disappearing from your wallet!
My sister and I decided to go to Target to pick up some last minute goodies for my dad and brother for their Vday basket we're making them (Plus, I had to pick out a card for Justin). As we walked into the automatic doors... BAM! Valentines over-load! There were pink, red and white hearts everywhere. Multiple signs that reminded you of what not to forget...
"Don't forget the card!"
"Don't forget the chocolates!"
"Don't forget the balloons!"
People were circling the card isles like hungry vultures. Love songs filled the air thanks to the singing cards everyone kept opening and closing. I found an open spot in the crowd and was able to get a good look at some romantic cards to get Justin. I found one that caught my eye. For starters, it was a pretty big card... on the outside it said
"You're the one I love..."
and once you opened it...
WA-LA! Pop-up :) |
It was the cutest card I saw there. It even played a little melody. Needless to say, my heart melted. I grabbed it before anyone else tried to snatch it from me and headed to the candy isle. We were able to grab some little chocolates here and there and finished up our Valentines Day shopping with great success.
On my way home I had to make a pit stop to pick up some "2 buck chuck" at Trader Joes.
-if you haven't heard of this, I recommend you go now! Even if you don't have a Trader Joes in your town, assemble a road trip as soon as humanly possible!
You can't say no to $2 White Zinfindel, I mean let's be serious here.
Anyways, after I got home I poured myself a glass of wine and helped my dad make some dinner. My night was pretty quiet until we pulled out the Pictionary game.
Now let me share something with you... my family doesn't play by the rules, we made up our own and find it really fun. These games usually last around an hour, but it's an hour full of laughter and good times. My brother and I are undefeated to this day.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Here we go...
I'm fairly new to blogging (except for my Xanga I had in middle school -you know you remember those) and I always thought it would soothing to just ramble about my days, especially because I just moved to a new state away from my home.
It's been one of those nothing-to-do nights for me so I decided to create one of these. Why not, right? I want to blog about anything and everything but mostly about life lessons I tend to learn the hard way (I'm really good at that). I hope that you all learn a thing or two about me through this and some of you feel comfortable enough to share your experiences with me in return :)
This is me in a nut shell...
My name is Elena, I was born in April and I'm 22 years young (I refuse to believe I'm getting older). I was born and raised in sunny San Diego, California and just recently moved to middle-of-nowhere Albuquerque, New Mexico to live with my dad. I have so many interests and if I named them all right now I would still be listing them tomorrow, the next day and the next day. I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, Justin...
he's cute, isn't he?
Moving on, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My parents are separated but not divorced (I know, I don't know why either) but nevertheless, I love them both unconditionally. The rest I'm sure you'll learn the more I write and open up.
Anyways, that's enough about my background for now, until tomorrow!
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